Monday 30 June 2008


One day a small girl went to a zoo with her dog. She watched parrot, zebra, snack, monkey for a long time. She likes the animal very much. Then she picked the flower from the zoo and hid it in her bag. She walked around the zoo and her legs was so tired. So she decided to go home. On the way to go to her house, she turned right at the crossroad to buy a vase for her flower, a tie and a set of king chess for her father. Unfortunately she could not get in her house because she lost the key. She press the button of a bell but nobody didn't hear her. Perhaps the bell was out of working. Her father was taking a shower while her mother was watching her favorite jazz program and singer on the television. She had been waiting outside her house and imagining a witch in her mind while it was becoming darker. She still too young to face the scare lonely. Suddenly she shouted out and waked up. It is only a dream. She pinched her nose to remind that it is not true. Certainly she is on a yacht with her family on her vacation.

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