Today i continue to enrich my academic vocabulary in 'Essential academic vocabulary' of Helen Huntley, especially useful phrase. I want to know which verb comes with suitable noun together. Here is what i found:
1. analyze the data
2. conceptualize (verb) form an idea or principle in your mind
concept (n)
Ex: He argued that morality could be conceptualized (= thought about)
We conceptualize the idea for the project after discussing it in our group.
3. formulate / express (our own) opinions.
4. occurrence (n) something that happens
occur (v)
ex: Street-fights are an everyday occurrence in this area of the city.
There was a strange occurrence in the dorm last night when all the lights suddenly went out.
5. experience period
It is normal for first-year students to experience period homesicness during their first semester away from home.
But i am not sure this sentence i made is right.
vis/vid (Latin words that means 'see')
1 g | evidence | a | change the original version |
2 j | invisible | b | a device for seeing images on a screen |
3 a | revise | c | the stage of being visible |
4 f | supervisor | d | the sense of sight |
5 k | television | e | relating to the sense of sight |
6 d | video | f | person in charge |
7 c | visibility | g | facts that show the truth |
8 e | vision | h | a person who visits |
9 h | visitor | i | form a mental picture |
10 | visual | j | impossible to see |
11 i | visualize | k | the visual part of a broadcast |
visibility: the degree to which something is seen by the public
visualize: to form a picture of someone or something in your mind, in order to imagine or remember them
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