‘Television is in no way a true mirror of society.’ To what extent do you agree with this statement?
‘Television is a new medium. It's called a medium because nothing is well-done’- Fred Allen – the famous American comedian – said in 1950. His perceptive insight view still remains the whole value and explains why television as playing a certain role in each household nowadays has been adapting to digital era. The era is of the dramatically development of extra channels on television at the forefront of digital broadcasting. Everyone can find huge information of every field, attain higher education of every subject and get knowledge of society outside the world through those various channels. Television reflects the growing complexity of modern life about the different lifestyles, the challenges families as well as individual face. Someone’s life on television could present for their lives, for either our lives or one class in society. We know a real world in the manner that is both experience in our lives and looking at something through television programmes. Obviously, everything about social values from micro angle to macro one is reflected on television. This leads to a question whether realities of life people watch on television is true or not. This essay critically examines how far we can believe on what we watch and which aspects of society is mirrored on television honestly. It is very useful for our point of view to consider, solve an issue in the real life in which it is a little bit different from life on television before making a right decision carefully.
(245 words)
I found this information and references here:
I have changed my references after studying Steve's lesson of how to write References and citations today.
4. Horrocks P. (Head of Television News), 2005, ‘Television News’, BBC News, viewed 30 July 2008, <http://news.bbc.co.uk/newswatch/ifs/hi/newsid_4000000/newsid_4001900/4001991.stm>
This blog could be more exciting if you can create another topic that everyone can relate on.
Such a nice blog. I hope you will create another post like this.
hhmmm Pinpin :) good one, great effort I don't know why can't I create the sence of the subject like this... anyway best of luck to me :):D see u tomorow...
Sheraz ;)
WOW,well done Li i really enjoyed and it s obvious that you are good writer,continue your hard working
and also thanks a lot for your useful comment
night night ;)
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