It takes me a long time to read, think and understand what the book is talking about. I am still reading the book 'The Economics of Business Enterprise'- Martin Ricketts- Page 16-20. Now i just focus on the meaning of this section: Institutions and information (PART 1: Basic concepts) So that i just have a look on dictionary briefly and have some note-taking what i read.
- characterised by a system of bilateral contracts, or 'nexus of contracts' (in more complex case- agreement is signed between employees, bondholders, landowners and a 'legal fiction' such as: BP, US Steel)
- formed as an institutional response to transactions costs.
imperfectly specified, because the lack of specificity abtains from the simple fact that the precise details of the contract is made at the same time when requires the employees of a firm maybe unknown.
- collected concerning opportunities for productive collaboration, on the skills and attributes of employees, on new technical innovations, on the demands of consumers
- transmited to the relevant decision-maker who must choose, implement a plan of action.
I found that international trade as the exchange game. That is very simple, interesting although it is not true in practice, but i like the way thw writer wrote. I will explain what is exchange game. Firstly, have a look of this table
The structure of payoffs in a game of exchange:
I supose in the commercial world, there are 2 firms: company A and B. A sells 1 product x, B sells 1 product y. The goods exchange will be happened if A and B sign the contract. In practice, there are 4 cases could be happended:
(a) A and B trust together and cooperate. Each company will get what they want.
(b) A cooperates but B cheats in which A sent his goods x to B before receiving y from B as the B's promise in contract. It means A will receive nothing and lost his goods. So A got -1 goods, B got 1 x and 1 y.
(c) The same case (b)
(d) If A say that please send your goods firstly and then i will send you back my goods. B also say that. Then noone believe each other. It means no comercial exchange.
The reason of these transactions will be explained in next chapters. I am still reading ..
However, to understand that i have to scan these new vocabulary:
- equilibrium method: a condition of balance between oppsed forces
- instantaneous: occuring or completed without perceptible delay
- reconcile: to bring (oneself)) to accept; to make compatible or consistent, reconcile opposing views
--> All transactions are costlessly and instantaneously reconciled.
- gi'gantic: extremely large or extensive, huge
- myriad (a) constituting a very large, identifinite number
(n) a vast number
--> The economy is made up of a myriad of individual contractors, each one in an comprehensive only with painstaking effort, have many complexly arranged elements.
- contractor: one that agrees to perform services at a specified price, especially for construction work
--> contractual (a)
- institution: an established custom, practice or relationship in a society
- firms: a commercial partnership of 2 or more person especially when unincorporated
- rationale: a fundamental reason, rational basic
- sufficient (a) being as much as it needed
- bilateral contracts: contract between 2 sides
- single proprietor: an owner, as of a business, small business
nexus of contracts: a connected services or group, a means of connection, link
- discretion: freedom of action or judgment
--> The choice was left to our considerable discretion.
- collaborate: to work together
--> productive collaboration
- forth (adv) out into view
- implement a plan of action
- decentralise: to cause to withdraw from am area of concentration, to distribute (phan quyen dia phuong)
--> The outcome of entirely decentralised decisions
- conscious decisions of planners: capable of thought, will, perception, deliberate (nhan thuc ro dieu dang xay ra)
- initial characterisation of the firm: su bieu thi dac diem, mo ta tinh cach
- advantage (n)--> advantageous (a) cooperation
- comlementary (a) forming or serving as a complement supplying mutual needs/lacks, addition (su bo sung)
--> complimentary: express a compliment (ca ngoi)
- possession: a territory subject to foreign control
- coalition illustrated: an alliance or union, especially a temporary one (khoi dong minh)
- payoff: a final settlement or reckoning, a bribe
- symmetrical: doi xung
- outcome=result
- dilemma: a situation that requires a choice between options, usually equally unfavourable or mutual exclusive(doc quyen): tien thoai luong nan
- sucker: who is cheated easily
- characterised by a system of bilateral contracts, or 'nexus of contracts' (in more complex case- agreement is signed between employees, bondholders, landowners and a 'legal fiction' such as: BP, US Steel)
- formed as an institutional response to transactions costs.
imperfectly specified, because the lack of specificity abtains from the simple fact that the precise details of the contract is made at the same time when requires the employees of a firm maybe unknown.
- collected concerning opportunities for productive collaboration, on the skills and attributes of employees, on new technical innovations, on the demands of consumers
- transmited to the relevant decision-maker who must choose, implement a plan of action.
I found that international trade as the exchange game. That is very simple, interesting although it is not true in practice, but i like the way thw writer wrote. I will explain what is exchange game. Firstly, have a look of this table
The structure of payoffs in a game of exchange:
| Company A | ||
Cooperate | Cheat | ||
Company B | Cooperate Cheat | 1,1 (a) 2, -1 (b) | -1,2 (c) 0,0 (d) |
I supose in the commercial world, there are 2 firms: company A and B. A sells 1 product x, B sells 1 product y. The goods exchange will be happened if A and B sign the contract. In practice, there are 4 cases could be happended:
(a) A and B trust together and cooperate. Each company will get what they want.
(b) A cooperates but B cheats in which A sent his goods x to B before receiving y from B as the B's promise in contract. It means A will receive nothing and lost his goods. So A got -1 goods, B got 1 x and 1 y.
(c) The same case (b)
(d) If A say that please send your goods firstly and then i will send you back my goods. B also say that. Then noone believe each other. It means no comercial exchange.
The reason of these transactions will be explained in next chapters. I am still reading ..
However, to understand that i have to scan these new vocabulary:
- equilibrium method: a condition of balance between oppsed forces
- instantaneous: occuring or completed without perceptible delay
- reconcile: to bring (oneself)) to accept; to make compatible or consistent, reconcile opposing views
--> All transactions are costlessly and instantaneously reconciled.
- gi'gantic: extremely large or extensive, huge
- myriad (a) constituting a very large, identifinite number
(n) a vast number
--> The economy is made up of a myriad of individual contractors, each one in an comprehensive only with painstaking effort, have many complexly arranged elements.
- contractor: one that agrees to perform services at a specified price, especially for construction work
--> contractual (a)
- institution: an established custom, practice or relationship in a society
- firms: a commercial partnership of 2 or more person especially when unincorporated
- rationale: a fundamental reason, rational basic
- sufficient (a) being as much as it needed
- bilateral contracts: contract between 2 sides
- single proprietor: an owner, as of a business, small business
nexus of contracts: a connected services or group, a means of connection, link
- discretion: freedom of action or judgment
--> The choice was left to our considerable discretion.
- collaborate: to work together
--> productive collaboration
- forth (adv) out into view
- implement a plan of action
- decentralise: to cause to withdraw from am area of concentration, to distribute (phan quyen dia phuong)
--> The outcome of entirely decentralised decisions
- conscious decisions of planners: capable of thought, will, perception, deliberate (nhan thuc ro dieu dang xay ra)
- initial characterisation of the firm: su bieu thi dac diem, mo ta tinh cach
- advantage (n)--> advantageous (a) cooperation
- comlementary (a) forming or serving as a complement supplying mutual needs/lacks, addition (su bo sung)
--> complimentary: express a compliment (ca ngoi)
- possession: a territory subject to foreign control
- coalition illustrated: an alliance or union, especially a temporary one (khoi dong minh)
- payoff: a final settlement or reckoning, a bribe
- symmetrical: doi xung
- outcome=result
- dilemma: a situation that requires a choice between options, usually equally unfavourable or mutual exclusive(doc quyen): tien thoai luong nan
- sucker: who is cheated easily
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