1. The media shouldn't be allowed to follow the private lives of celebrities.
It is often said that the paparazzi are too intrusive when pursuing famous people fro front page photographs, and to a certain extent this is true. However, that brings a million dollars for media companies who know what the publicity is interested in celebrities. Everything about the private lives of celebrities will not be a secrect and will be disclosed without permition or consideration. It is clearly that the role, duty of media chouldn't be limited and out of the private lives of famous people.
2. The death penalty should be used to deal with murderers.
Some people consider that murderers should face capital punishment rather than imprisonment, and in some ways it may be possible to argue this case. However, the death penalty is not only the good solution for murderers because it is also related to human rights.
3. The police should take a tougher stance on dealing with youth crime.
It is generally agreed that youth crime is rising and that the police need to take action of some kind to tackle the problem. Neverthless, the police is not only the authorities who are responsible for youth crime. Their families seem to effect their children's thoughts, habits, education considerably.
4. Fast food should be banned in all school canteens.
A common viewpoint is that young people are eating an increasingly unhealthy diet and that schools chould therefore takemeasures such as banning junk food from their canteens menus. Whilst this may be a sensible idea in some ways, we should not forget that fast food are being sold in a number of shops, suppermarkets. Moreover, profit of some companies is based on producing fast food as the main commodity. To ban selling fast food must be considered carefully.
5. University education should be free for all.
It is widely believe that education is a universal right and that unversities should therefore be open to all those who wish to undertake higher education studies. On the other hand, government couldn't receive money free education in universities. Besides that, government must have a big budget to cover/spend on that kind of education. This is impossible in many developing countries which have a limited budget and heavy debts.
6. Politicians are not doing enough to tackle global warming.
Recent research that the planet is heating up at a faster than expected rate and there have been calls for politicians to do more to address the problem. We should, however, bear in mind that global warming is a big question for not only politicians but also for responsible authities. In order to solve this problem, it requires much time, a better long-term policy, closer cooperation from many authorities.
7. It is harder for women to succed in business than it is for men.
It is often argued that 'a glass ceiling' makes it more difficult for women to have the same opportunities and rewards in business as their male counterparts. This is maybe true in some ways, but there are a lot of social tasks which women often have to do besides doing business such as: cooking, washing, nurse her children..It means that women seem to have more works than man to concentrate in doing business effectively. because a sucessful businesswomen need to fulfil her responsiblity in both family and society. Therefore women seem to meet higher, harder requirements than man 's to suceed in business.
8. The dangers of the Internet are greater than the benefits it brings.
Although many people say that there are risks involved in using the Internet, we have to acknowledge the considerable its benefits. Firstly, Internet is a huge stock of information in every sectors, fields. The second benefit of internet is to broaden our mind, to know many kinds of people, to evaluate every situation in the life and then we can manage our lives better by the way we learn from Internet.
It is often said that the paparazzi are too intrusive when pursuing famous people fro front page photographs, and to a certain extent this is true. However, that brings a million dollars for media companies who know what the publicity is interested in celebrities. Everything about the private lives of celebrities will not be a secrect and will be disclosed without permition or consideration. It is clearly that the role, duty of media chouldn't be limited and out of the private lives of famous people.
2. The death penalty should be used to deal with murderers.
Some people consider that murderers should face capital punishment rather than imprisonment, and in some ways it may be possible to argue this case. However, the death penalty is not only the good solution for murderers because it is also related to human rights.
3. The police should take a tougher stance on dealing with youth crime.
It is generally agreed that youth crime is rising and that the police need to take action of some kind to tackle the problem. Neverthless, the police is not only the authorities who are responsible for youth crime. Their families seem to effect their children's thoughts, habits, education considerably.
4. Fast food should be banned in all school canteens.
A common viewpoint is that young people are eating an increasingly unhealthy diet and that schools chould therefore takemeasures such as banning junk food from their canteens menus. Whilst this may be a sensible idea in some ways, we should not forget that fast food are being sold in a number of shops, suppermarkets. Moreover, profit of some companies is based on producing fast food as the main commodity. To ban selling fast food must be considered carefully.
5. University education should be free for all.
It is widely believe that education is a universal right and that unversities should therefore be open to all those who wish to undertake higher education studies. On the other hand, government couldn't receive money free education in universities. Besides that, government must have a big budget to cover/spend on that kind of education. This is impossible in many developing countries which have a limited budget and heavy debts.
6. Politicians are not doing enough to tackle global warming.
Recent research that the planet is heating up at a faster than expected rate and there have been calls for politicians to do more to address the problem. We should, however, bear in mind that global warming is a big question for not only politicians but also for responsible authities. In order to solve this problem, it requires much time, a better long-term policy, closer cooperation from many authorities.
7. It is harder for women to succed in business than it is for men.
It is often argued that 'a glass ceiling' makes it more difficult for women to have the same opportunities and rewards in business as their male counterparts. This is maybe true in some ways, but there are a lot of social tasks which women often have to do besides doing business such as: cooking, washing, nurse her children..It means that women seem to have more works than man to concentrate in doing business effectively. because a sucessful businesswomen need to fulfil her responsiblity in both family and society. Therefore women seem to meet higher, harder requirements than man 's to suceed in business.
8. The dangers of the Internet are greater than the benefits it brings.
Although many people say that there are risks involved in using the Internet, we have to acknowledge the considerable its benefits. Firstly, Internet is a huge stock of information in every sectors, fields. The second benefit of internet is to broaden our mind, to know many kinds of people, to evaluate every situation in the life and then we can manage our lives better by the way we learn from Internet.
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